My relationships in the school with the professors are starting to change a bit. Some teachers are warming up to me and less of them think that I am a spy. Ive had lunch and dinner with a few of the teachers and am starting to form a good relationship with them. The students are no longer afraid to talk to me and go out of their way to say something to me. Some try to practice a few words with me in English or scream “Hola Profe”, or “Hola teacher, but I still have a few people that act kinda flacky. There are some teachers have asked me to join their class and help with lesson plans. However when the day that I’m suppose to help comes, they say either they are too busy or they send me to a hot classroom and say wait for me there and no one shows up. Even though it can be annoying none of these incidents make me angry any more. The longer I am here in this country my patience and my since of humor expands.
One day I was walking around the school looking for the professor of English. She wanted me to join her class to talk about families with the students. All of a sudden I hear someone on my right side call for me. It was a professor that I’ve never met before. She started off by saying Hola como esta. I responded accordantly and then she asked me do I speak Spanish, and I said yes more or less. For some reason she decided this was the right moment to display her newly acquired English skills by saying. “You…… fat.” I asked her to repeat what she just said to make sure I heard correctly. Here the Panamanians speak a lot with their hands. She then made a hand gesture like a pacman chomping on some ghost towards her mouth and then blew her cheeks up like a balloon. I didn’t understand why this 5ft women, I’m estimating about 200 pounds was going out of her way to call me fat. I waited for her to say something else, but that was it, that’s all she wanted to tell me. I just smiled and walked away.
Here just about everyone has prepaid. So every couple of days I have to refill the minutes on my phone. Even though I have to constantly go to the store all the time I really don’t mind, there’s a cute women there that sells me phone cards. Just like any other day I went to the store and asked for a phone card. Today she decided to stop me and ask question about my life. That day I decided I was going to be smooth and test out language skills with the ladies. I was there for about 30 minutes talking to her and I ended up forgetting a word in Spanish that I couldn’t describe, so I opened up my man bag and pulled out my dictionary. I guess the roach that was hiding in my bag was hot because he jumped out on to the counter to say hi. FAIL!!! I don’t think there as any recovering after. I need to move out of the house Im in ASAP.
A lot of the trainees here have had a lot of experience with bats flying around in their rooms. The majority of the houses here that are located in the poor communities have a roof made of zinc and the walls are concrete. Because of the slant of the roof the walls usually don’t connect with the roof, leaving about a 12 inch gap between. This leaves a space more than big enough for a bird or bat to fly in. The first month I was here in my training community I was outside taking a shower. While I was showering I heard another volunteer next door telling his host mother that there is a bat in his room at night. For some reason, here a lot of people believe in witches. She told him that she hasn’t seen a bat in the room but it is very possible that a witch could be flying around his room at night. I sat there in the shower for about 10 minutes just laughing out loud at their conversation. A month later another volunteer called me from his community and told me “why did I leave my comfortable life in the states to live in a room with bats”. I couldn’t resist laughing again. But Karma has its way of getting around, because a week after that conversation I saw 2 bats flying in my room.
I’m excited to be finally completing my first month here. It gives me an opportunity to move out of the hood and into a different part of the city. The school year is about to end also. So I can finally sit and plan what exactly I’m going to do in the school and decide if I’m going to teach a class. Hopefully I find the role that is best for me to do the best job I can. Until that day comes Ill continue exploring, learning, and making sure there are no roaches in my bag.